how to represent different kind of associative relationships with SKOS?

Hi all,

I have a thesaurus that I want export to SKOS format. However, this
thesaurus defines following relationships between concepts:

        related to      3000    3000
        ally of 3301    3301
        member of       3317    3318
        member is       3318    3317
        moved from      3401    3402
        moved to        3402    3401
        successor of    3411    3412
        predecessor of  3412    3411
        historical connection   3510    3510
        distinguished from      3001    3001
        adjacent to     3101    3101
        capital of      3201    3202
        capital is      3202    3201
        coextensive with        3102    3102
        possibly identified as  3005    3005

My first idea was to map all these relationships with skos:related,
however my thesaurus is a geographical thesaurus, therefore
relationships like capital of are important.

My question is: Is SKOS Core expressive enough to represent these
relations in some way or I should use OWL to represent this thesaurus
like an Ontology?

thank you very much for your ideas


Jose R. Pérez-Agüera

Clinical Assistant Professor
Metadata Research Center
School of Information and Library Science
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Web page:
MRC website:

Received on Monday, 14 December 2009 19:29:04 UTC