Re: Thoughts on the appropriate relationships between coordinated concepts

On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 10:45 PM, Simon Spero <> wrote:

> The two items are identical and should be merged. It's only very recently
> that subdivisions have had entries in the subject file, and these entries
> don't carry enough information to generally specify precisely when a
> subdivision can be used.

This makes sense, but it's also, unfortunately, out of my control:

1) There is an authority record for the subdivision concept
2) This, in turn, mean there's already a skos:Concept and a URI for it.

The way the authorities are originally modeled into SKOS is Not My
Department™.  So I'm sort of stuck with the status quo.

If changes the way they do this and merges the concepts,
great.  But until then, we've got concepts for topics (and sundry) and
concepts for subdivisions and we really need some way for the t'wain
to meet.

But your argument is making me think that skos:exactMatch may, in
fact, be appropriate after all.


Received on Thursday, 3 December 2009 04:07:35 UTC