SKOS Implementation: various vocabularies stored in the CATCH SKOS service


Here is an answer to the call, concerning vocabularies stored in the service of [1]

> == Vocabulary Implementations ==
> * vocabulary title(s) (e.g. Library of Congress Subject Headings)

   * Iconclass
   * Rameau 
   * Glass Reference Collection vocabulary
   * Brinkman keywords
   * Wordnet (nouns)
   * SWD
   * Mandragore vocabulary
   * NBD/Biblion thesaurus
   * GOO thesaurus
   * Regio Thesaurus KB
   * GTAA thesaurus 
   * SVCN

> * name of person and/or organisation responsible for the
>  implementation

Antoine Isaac, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
(I'm just the main contact--detailed information on the institutional context of the various vocabularies can be found at [1])

> * a list of the SKOS constructs used (e.g. skos:Concept,
>  skos:ConceptScheme, skos:inScheme, skos:broader, skos:prefLabel,
>  skos:closeMatch ... etc.)

Used explicity in the SKOS representation of the vocabularies (see the statistics at [2]):
Concept, inScheme, ConceptScheme, hasTopConcept, prefLabel, altLabel, hiddenLabel, broader, narrower, related, note, scopeNote, definition, example, historyNote, editorialNote, changeNote, relatedMatch, notation.

Used in the representation of cross-vocabulary alignments stored in the service (not listed on [2])
exactMatch, closeMatch, broadMatch, narrowMatch

> * URL(s) where the published SKOS data may be obtained, if the data
>  are publicly available

The content of the vocabulary service may be explored from [3]. Note that a large number of vocabularies are only privately available (please contact us if you want to arrange for a login/password).

> We would also welcome any further information you care to provide,
> however this is *not mandatory*. For example, we would be interested
> to know the scope and size of the vocabulary, what it is primarily
> used for, in what languages the vocabulary is provided, any other URLs
> describing the vocabulary or providing further information.

See the statistics at [2] for the size of the vocabularies.
Here is a qualitative one-liner for each vocabulary:

   * Iconclass: expert vocabulary for iconographical description. Labels in English/French/German; Italian, Finish and Norwegian are available but not SKOSified.
   * Rameau: general subject vocabulary used to describe books at French National Library (bnF). Labels mostly in French, though labels in many other languages are present in small amounts
   * Glass Reference Collection vocabulary: expert vocabulary to describe an archeological glass collection. In Dutch.
   * Brinkman keywords: general subject vocabulary used to describe books at Dutch National Library (KB). In Dutch.
   * Wordnet (nouns): general semantic network. In English.
   * SWD: general subject vocabulary used to describe books at German National Library (KB). In German.
   * Mandragore vocabulary: expert vocabulary for iconographical description of medieval manuscripts. In French. 
   * NBD/Biblion thesaurus: general subject vocabulary used to describe books in Dutch public libraries. In Dutch.
   * GOO thesaurus: general subject vocabulary used to describe books at Dutch National Library (KB) and university libraries. In Dutch and English.
   * Regio Thesaurus KB: place name vocabulary used at the Dutch National Library (KB). In Dutch.
   * GTAA thesaurus: general subject vocabulary used to describe video materia at Dutch National Audiviovisual Archive (Beeld en Geluid). In Dutch.
   * SVCN vocabulary: expert vocabulary to describe ethnographical collections. In Dutch.




Received on Tuesday, 21 April 2009 18:41:17 UTC