Small, standalone, RDF parsers


Does anyone know of any small, standalone, RDF parsers, or is there a  
way to extract just the parsing support from Jena?

A 'problem' with SKOS is that vocabularies are defined as RDF graphs,  
and this doesn't necessarily play nicely with existing systems, and  
existing developers, who would probably be happier if the vocabularies  
were distributed as XML -- everyone knows how to use javax.xml.*,  
XSLT, and so on.

One response is 'stop worrying and use an RDF parser', but this  
argument is weakened when someone asks 'OK, which RDF parser?', and  
then 'Jena is _how_ big!?'.

So, I'm looking for some Java RDF parser, which simply groks RDF/XML  
and ideally Turtle, lets you poke around in the resulting graph in a  
fairly natural way, ... and not much else.  That is, something with  
more-or-less the same mental footprint as librdf.

I was rather surprised not to find such a thing easily.  Am I missing  

All the best,


Norman Gray  :
Dept Physics and Astronomy, University of Leicester

Received on Wednesday, 8 April 2009 14:37:38 UTC