Call for proposals: 7th European NKOS Workshop at ECDL 2008

The 7th NKOS Workshop at the European Digital Library Conference will will take place on September 19th, as part of ECDL 2008 in Aarhus ( <> ). 

The workshop will explore the potential of Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS), such as classification systems, taxonomies, thesauri, ontologies, and lexical databases. These tools attempt to model the underlying semantic structure of a domain for purposes of information retrieval, knowledge discovery, language engineering, and the semantic web. 

The workshop topics include but are not limited to 

KOS Interoperability. Intellectual and automatic methods for vocabulary mapping on concept as well as term level. Cross-browsing and cross-searching between distributed KOS services, Mapping between KOS and ontologies. 

*	Terminology registry. What is the range of services that a terminology registry might offer and what role can it play as a shared infrastructure service? We need to identify and specify use cases and sustainable business models. 
*	Terminology services. We need to identify and specify terminology services for different applications, within a service-oriented approach/architecture, building on the basic infrastructure. 
*	User-centred design issues. User-centred design strategies for KOS. How to develop understandable and thorough descriptions of concepts and terms? How to show and explain relationships? Cost effective methods to collect and organise user oriented and domain-specific conceptual information. 
*	Social tagging. Participative user-based approaches to knowledge organization and description are emerging and attracting significant community support. What is the role of social tagging and informal knowledge structures versus established KOS? How do the methods complement each other? Is it possible or desirable to obtain some degree of control in social tagging systems? 
*	Semantic Web applications and implications of KOS. How can KOS contribute to Semantic Web efforts and conversely how can Semantic Web standards and technologies facilitate novel KOS applications and semantic interoperability research. What are the next steps for SKOS-based tools? 
*	Terminology for language-oriented applications. Common ground and differences in knowledge organisation approaches between terminology and information retrieval communities. 

Please email proposals for presentations (approx. 500 words including aims, methods, main findings) by June 20th to Marianne Lykke Nielsen ( <> ). Advance indication that you intend to submit a presentation would be helpful. Proposals will be peer-reviewed by the program committee and notification of acceptance will be given by July 4th. The early registration deadline for the conference and the workshop is July 31st. 

Full details on the call for presentation proposals  at <>  as part of the workshop website. See also the NKOS event wiki at <>  where we can discuss ideas and plans for the workshop.


Douglas Tudhope 
Professor, Faculty of Advanced Technology 
University of Glamorgan 
Pontypridd CF37 1DL 
Wales, UK 
Tel +44 (0) 1443-483609 
Fax +44 (0) 1443-482715 <> <> 
Editor : The New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia 


Received on Monday, 5 May 2008 16:12:14 UTC