RE: Why not a generic skos:label datatype property? Re: Southampton Pub data as linked open data

> What I suggest here (with cc to SKOS forum)  is to define 
> somewhere a standard generic label datatype property, which 
> could be easily refined in specific types of labels while 
> keeping in OWL-DL; making everybody happy. The most natural 
> place to do that seems to be SKOS namespace.
> Here is the proposal
> skos:label      a    owl:DatatypeProperty
> skos:prefLabel      rdfs:subPropertyOf      skos:label
> skos:altLabel      rdfs:subPropertyOf      skos:label
> ...
> pub:name     rdfs:subPropertyOf      skos:label
> Applications and vocabularies wanting to stick to OWL-DL 
> would use skos:label and its extensive subproperties instead 
> of rdfs:label RDFS-only applications would just have to add
> skos:label      rdfs:subPropertyOf       rdfs:label
> What do people think?
> Bernard
> PS : just reading John's answer ... I guess he would be very 
> happy with such a solution

Yes that works for me. We did a similar thing at work (Ordnance Survey)
for our Administrative Geography RDF. We has a property "hasName" which
in turn has various subproperties "hasVernacularName",
"hasOfficialName", "hasBoundaryLineName" etc.

When I was producing the pub data I'd forgotten allow about SKOS...shame
on me :)

(I notice that foaf:name is a subproperty of rdfs:label as well.) 


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