Re: thesaurus interchange language

Hi Stella,

Thanks for the info.  I know this is getting off the track, but can you 
explain the problems with LCSH?


-- Stephen.

Stella Dextre Clarke wrote:
>>  From my perspective the beauty of SKOS is that it's flexible and 
>> extensible enough to allow a huge variety of uses.  A thesaurus just 
>> happens to be a really important use case because if SKOS becomes a 
>> lingua franca for thesauri (and particularly *big* thesauri like MDA, 
>> AAT, LCSH), then the SKOS standard will instantly get huge mindshare 
>> among Information Managers and Librarians.
> LCSH a thesaurus? Not if you measure it against the rules in ISO 2788 
> and BS 8723.

Received on Friday, 1 August 2008 22:45:43 UTC