Re: OWL species and subproperties of rdfs:label

Hi Martin,

I personally find this part of the OWL specification a bit confusing also. 
Luckily, this is irrelevant for OWLIM as it is not a DL reasoner, by design. 
Thus, it is not trying to verify weather something fits in OWL-DL or not.

The semantics support by OWLIM is 100% defined through axiomatic triples and 
entailment rules. The users of OWLIM can check and edit these rules, if 

In the pre-defined rulesets, we have tried to provide standard 
interpretation of all the primitives. A proof of this is that OWLIM passes 
all the entailment tests, relevant to the specific ruleset. Still, full 
compliance appears irrational in the case of OWL-Lite and DL. As I had the 
chance to comment several times, we find that the DL constraints are 
inadequate for a wide range of applications. In a number of cases, the 
DL-based OWL layering makes simple things complex. The issue in subject 
provides yet another example of this. Although I have a clue regarding the 
the formal reasons for these constraints, this does not make me convinced 
that those are appropriate.


Atanas Kiryakov
Head of Ontotext Lab,
Sirma Group Corp,
Phone: (+359 2) 9768 303; Fax: 9768 311
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Martin Hepp" <>
To: "Alan Ruttenberg" <>
Cc: "Mark van Assem" <>; "Semantic Web" <>; 
"Bernard Vatant" <>; "Tim Berners-Lee" 
<>; "Marc" <>; <>; "Ilya 
Zaihrayeu" <>; <>; "Atanas Kiryakov" 
Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2007 6:01 PM
Subject: Re: OWL species and subproperties of rdfs:label

> Dear Alan:
> I had assumed the same. But Ilya Zaihrayeu (CC) pointed me to the fact 
> that this was not covered by OWL DL, following the section 7.1. definition 
> that the object of an annotation property can only be a data literal, a 
> URI reference, or an individual, but NOT another class. And in fact, while 
> OWLIM loads the respective ontology without any problem, IBM's Minerva 
> complains that the ontology modules using those annotation properties are 
> in OWL Full (thanks to Li Ma from IBM Beijing for testing!).
> If you want to check the issue locally it: the respective statements are 
> in the eclassOWL modules
> - eclassClassesProperties_51en.owl and
> - eclassPropertiesValues_51en.owl.
> Both are available at
> Who is right? OWLIM or Minerva? :-)
> Best
> Martin
> PS: This is no general problem with eClassOWL; it just affects these two 
> optional modules that can be used even without any reasoner.
> >>> an OWL Light or DL ontology you propose to create one class per
> taxonomy
> >>> category and then link them using an annotation property. But as it
> seems
> >> to
> >>> follow from the OWL reference document, there is a certain restriction
> on
> >>> the object of annotation properties in OWL DL. Namely, it can only
>  (see
> >>> section 7.1). Could you describe how you resolved this issue?
> Alan Ruttenberg wrote:
>> My understanding is that annotation property assertions are completely 
>> ignored by a DL reasoner, i.e. there are no semantics of annotation 
>> properties, as far as OWL DL is concerned. Regarding annotation 
>> properties having values which are classes, at least  as far as Pellet is 
>> concerned, the following is considered OWL Lite.
>> Namespace(ex = <>)
>> Ontology(<>
>>  AnnotationProperty(ex:p )
>>  Class(ex:c partial )
>>  Class(ex:d partial annotation(ex:p ex:c ))
>> )
>> -Alan
>> On Jan 12, 2007, at 5:32 PM, Martin Hepp wrote:
>>> Dear all:
>>> A related question:
>>> >Well, all that is *very messy* indeed. Looks like that the semantics
>>> of >annotation subproperties is defined nowhere, and randomly 
>>> implemented >in tools. OWL specification just says: this is not DL any 
>>> more, go >figure what it means. I'm not even sure that a subproperty of 
>>> an >annotation property is an annotation property. Is this entailed by 
>>> RDFS >semantics?
>>> I was surprised to read in the OWL reference in section 7.1 [1] that it 
>>> is not allowed to use annotation properties for capturing relationships 
>>> between one class and another class, e.g., to define an annotation 
>>> property "foo:relatedClass" that can be used to capture that a 
>>> particular class is related to another one.
>>> In fact, I used such a construct in a helper module for eclassOWL [2] 
>>> but had to learn that importing this module makes the ontology be OWL 
>>> Full, with all known disadvantages.
>>> Is there any reason for this constraint? Is this maybe related to the 
>>> problem you are discussing? I had expected that there is no constraint 
>>> on the type of object for an annotation property.
>>> best
>>> martin
>>> [1] "The object of an annotation property must be either a data literal, 
>>> a URI reference, or an individual."
>>> [2]
>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>> martin hepp
>>> e-mail:
>>> web:
>>> skype:  mfhepp
>>> office: +43 512 507 6465
>>> Check eClassOWL, the first real-world e-business ontology
>>> for products and services in OWL at
>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>> martin hepp
>>> e-mail:
>>> web:
>>> skype:  mfhepp
>>> office: +43 512 507 6465
>>> Check eClassOWL, the first real-world e-business ontology
>>> for products and services in OWL at
>>> Mark van Assem wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> The behaviour that you describe below does not occur in the Triple20 
>>>> tool [1] that I frequently use. It's more of a triple viewer than a 
>>>> full blown editor like Protege (editing is not as nicely supported), 
>>>> and it only partially supports OWL DL, but it doesn't do any funny 
>>>> things. What you stored is what you see, and what you added/removed is 
>>>> exactly what is in the stored file. It also has a category for 
>>>> resources that do not have an rdf:type, which is handy when debugging.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Mark.
>>>> [1]
>>>>> SWOOP 2.3 just ignores such subproperty declarations when loading the 
>>>>> file, and they are removed when you save the file.
>>>>> Protégé 3.2 behaviour is more tricky. The GUI just does not show such 
>>>>> properties but they are not removed from the RDF source by the Jena 
>>>>> backend, and stay in the RDF file when you save. But moreover, Protégé 
>>>>> insists that every owl:AnnotationProperty must be either 
>>>>> owl:DatatypeProperty or owl:ObjectProperty, and adds the former by 
>>>>> default. Which is IMO a very strange interpretation of OWL 
>>>>> specification.
>>>>> So, to sum it up, suppose I declare the following in the original 
>>>>> ontology
>>>>> <owl:AnnotationProperty 
>>>>> rdf:about="">
>>>>>  <rdfs:subPropertyOf 
>>>>> rdf:resource=""/>
>>>>> </owl:AnnotationProperty>
>>>>> Loading and saving in SWOOP 2.3 yields back
>>>>> <owl:AnnotationProperty 
>>>>> rdf:about=""/>
>>>>> The subproperty declaration is deleted
>>>>> Loading and saving in Protégé 3.2 yields back
>>>>>  <owl:AnnotationProperty 
>>>>> rdf:about="">
>>>>>    <rdfs:subPropertyOf 
>>>>> rdf:resource=""/>
>>>>>    <rdf:type 
>>>>> rdf:resource=""/>
>>>>>  </owl:AnnotationProperty>
>>>>> The DatatypeProperty class is added
>>>>> Now if I don't want to presume the property type and just declare
>>>>> <rdf:Property     rdf:about="">
>>>>>  <rdfs:subPropertyOf 
>>>>> rdf:resource=""/>
>>>>> </rdf:Property>
>>>>> SWOOP just ignores this declaration altogether, and the property is 
>>>>> killed when saving.
>>>>> Protégé does not show the property in the GUI, but Jena saves it in 
>>>>> the original form.
>>>>> Well, all that is *very messy* indeed. Looks like that the semantics 
>>>>> of annotation subproperties is defined nowhere, and randomly 
>>>>> implemented in tools. OWL specification just says: this is not DL any 
>>>>> more, go figure what it means. I'm not even sure that a subproperty of 
>>>>> an annotation property is an annotation property. Is this entailed by 
>>>>> RDFS semantics?
>>>>> a:myProperty1      rdfs:subPropertyOf      b:yourProperty2
>>>>> b:yourProperty2       rdf:type      ex:SomePropertyType
>>>>> Does the above entails in RDFS
>>>>> a:myProperty1        rdf:type       ex:SomePropertyType
>>>>> ?? (I guess yes, but maybe I'm wrong)
>>>>> If yes, then applied to
>>>>> skos:prefLabel      rdfs:subPropertyOf      rdfs:label   (by SKOS 
>>>>> vocabulary)
>>>>> rdfs:label         rdf:type      owl:AnnotationProperty   (by OWL 
>>>>> specification)
>>>>> entails
>>>>> skos:prefLabel      rdf:type      owl:AnnotationProperty
>>>>> ... which is not the kind of entailment Protégé or SWOOP seem to 
>>>>> support.
>>>>> Do I miss something or is this really Terra Incognita in RDF semantics 
>>>>> world?
>>>>> Thanks for enlightnments.
>>>>> Bernard

Received on Wednesday, 17 January 2007 15:32:03 UTC