WG: Call for Participation: Open Forum on Metadata Registries 2007

In litteris suis de , Daniel C Redmon <>scripsit:

SKOS will be a topic on this conference, so it might be of interest to
the community.



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> Please feel free to distribute this to others who might be interested
> 10th Open Forum on Metadata Registries
> New York City, NY  USA
> 9 - 11 July 2007
> ________________________________
> This Open Forum is the tenth annual forum in a series of
> international conferences about topics related to metadata,
> registries, interoperability, and semantics. It will focus on
> a series of core standards as well as on the selection,
> integration and use of multiple standards in actual systems.
> The central goal of the Open Forum is to share and advance
> knowledge and experience about standards, the technologies
> that build upon them, and implementation experiences.
> The following standards will be discussed:
> Data Semantics: 	ISO/IEC 11179 (Metadata Registries)
> Terminology:	 ISO 704 (Principles of Terminology)
> 	ISO 1087-1 (Vocabulary for terminology work)
> 	ISO/TC 37/SC 4 (Language Resources Management)
> Interoperability:	 ISO/IEC 19763 (Framework for Metamodel
> Interoperability) 
> 	ISO/IEC 20944 (Interoperability and bindings)
> We will also discuss other standards from ISO such as Data
> Categories (12620), Geographic Metadata (19115), and Topic
> Maps (13250), and standards from other standards development
> organizations such as RDF, OWL, and SKOS from W3C; CWM, SBVR,
> and ODM from OMG; and ebXML from OASIS.
> Who Should Attend
> The conference will gather together standards developers,
> software developers, academics, and practitioners from the
> public and private sectors to demonstrate accomplishments and
> to discuss current and future efforts.  Attendees will have
> interests in metadata management and the use of international
> standards relating to data and terminology, with some having
> specialties in areas such as data search/retrieval, web
> search, and corporate data management.
> Conference Web Site
> Information about the Open Forum, directions, information
> about the venue, and the program will be available on the
> conference web site: http://metadataopenforum.org.
> Registration will be opening soon, so please consult the web
> site periodically for registration options and pricing.
> Contact
> Conference Chair:
> Daniel Gillman Gillman.Daniel@bls.gov
> Bureau of Labor Statistics
> +1-202-691-7523

Dr. Lars G. Svensson
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
Adickesallee 1
60322 Frankfurt

Received on Friday, 23 February 2007 16:14:57 UTC