Re: [SKOS] OWL DL compatibility

> There is a pluralistic philosophy articulated in the RDFS spec which I 
> stubbornly cling to: we need a huge variety of ways of capturing the 
> "semantics" of terms. Simple logics, fancy logics, streaming video 
> interviews, plain text, HTML hypertext, mapping to natural 
> language(s), relationships with concepts in other vocabs, ... and 
> plenty more.
> """This specification does not attempt to enumerate all the possible 
> forms of vocabulary description that are useful for representing the 
> meaning of RDF classes and properties. Instead, the RDF vocabulary 
> description strategy is to acknowledge that there are many techniques 
> through which the meaning of classes and properties can be described. 
> Richer vocabulary or 'ontology' languages such as DAML+OIL, W3C's 
> [OWL] language, inference rule languages and other formalisms (for 
> example temporal logics) will each contribute to our ability to 
> capture meaningful generalizations about data in the Web. RDF 
> vocabulary designers can create and deploy Semantic Web applications 
> using the RDF vocabulary description language 1.0 facilities, while 
> exploring richer vocabulary description languages that share this 
> general approach."""
> I believe the same applies to SKOS...
Indeed. "Let vocabularies grow and multiply and yield fruits after their 
kind." This is a good Semantic Web Genesis story.

But what is needed afterwards is ways to bridge/hub those vocabulary 
kinds, so that they live together and enrich from each other, while 
avoiding the birth of monsters and weird fruits from counter-nature 
cross-breeding. Your skos:as goes this way, as my "hubjects" tried to. 
Let's keep on that track.


PS: This debate should also benefit from/profi to what is going on the 
Linking Open Data forum.


*Bernard Vatant
*Knowledge Engineering
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Received on Wednesday, 21 February 2007 12:11:51 UTC