- From: Simon Spero <ses@unc.edu>
- Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2007 12:02:50 -0500
- To: "Joseph Tennis" <jtennis@u.washington.edu>
- Cc: "public-swd-wg@w3.org" <public-swd-wg@w3.org>, "public-esw-thes@w3.org" <public-esw-thes@w3.org>
On Dec 14, 2007 2:06 AM, Joseph Tennis <jtennis@u.washington.edu> wrote: > Sorry to swoop in here, but I did want to point something out that might help. I suppose yours is a problem if we assume LCSH expresses thesaural relationships by listing a BT, i.e., it that it is a thesaurus. However, LCSH is not a thesaurus, it's a different creature altogether – it's a 'subject heading list,' and does not adhere to the model of a thesaurus, and as a consequence BT does not mean the same thing to LCSH as it would to vocabularies built to comport to Z39.19. You're absolutely right about the issues here; the examples came from a paper I'm working on with the working title "LCSH is to Thesaurus as Doorbell is to Mammal". The problem with the LCSH is that they're "subject headings disguised as a thesaurus" \cite{Dykstra:1988lr}. Calling associative relationships that are not in the least hierarchical "broader" and "narrower" did not prove fruitful. Weakening the semantics of broader/narrower for SKOS would be repeating the same mistake. Properly handling intransitive hierarchical relationships is heading dangerously close to non-monotonic country. That could cost SKOS its 'S' :) Issues that need to be addressed, but not by, er, default. Simon @article{Dykstra:1988lr, Abstract = {Discusses recent changes in the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH), arguing that the adoption of the well-recognized codes for thesauri has created confusion because the LCSH is not a true thesaurus. The distinction between subject headings and terms are clarified and a possible solution to the problems with the LCSH is suggested. (5 references) (MES)}, Author = {Dykstra, Mary}, Id = {EJ367784}, Journal = {Library Journal}, Keywords = {Library of Congress Subject Headings}, Number = {4}, Pages = {42--46}, Title = {LC Subject Headings Disguised as a Thesaurus.}, Ty = {JOUR}, Volume = {113}, Year = {1988}}
Received on Friday, 14 December 2007 17:03:16 UTC