
Dear Editor.

The latest draft of the SKOS Core Guide has significant inconsistent
references to the ex  (<>) namespace throughout
several of the examples in the document. For example:


  <foaf:Document rdf:about="">
    <skos:subject rdf:resource="

  <skos:Concept rdf:about="">


I understand that perhaps there are no intentions of updating this working
draft in the near future, as the latest version dates back to 2005, and
perhaps someone else may have already pointed this inconsistencies out.
But, although the examples are effective at communicating the purpose of
the vocabulary properties, I believe these trivial inconsistencies would be
better off resolved especially because some readers may find them
confusing; additionally, this examples are deemed practically unusable in a
real application.

Thank you,

Luis Alejandro García
Software Engineer
IBM - Systems and Technology Group
Ph: (512) 838-8320  TL: 678-8320

Received on Wednesday, 5 December 2007 08:21:31 UTC