Re: SKOS properties

Hi, All,
As a terminologist, the notion of adding antonyms as equivalents/synonyms
strikes me as really undesirable. In an ontology-like environment it would
really be problematic. By the same token, it is hard to classify antonym
relations -- this has long been a subject of debate in
terminology/lexicography circles. I rather like the idea of "disjointwith"
together with a scope note. Especially in multilingual concept management,
knowing the antonym is often a real clue to the disambiguation of the
concept associated with a term.
Bye for now
Sue Ellen

On 4/26/07, Stella Dextre Clarke <> wrote:
>  You may like to know that ISO 2788 and BS 8723 both allow you to admit
> antonyms as though they were equivalents (with relationship tagged USE/UF)
> if appropriate. For example, in my own thesaurus I have an entry
> "Inconsistency of indexing USE Indexing consistency" because both of these
> terms are actually referring to the same underlying concept. (A scope note
> might describe it  as "the degree of  consistency or
> inconsistency encountered in indexing".) If you want to be more precise, you
> could set it up as a special type of equivalence relationship.
> SKOS could choose to handle antonyms the same way, if it wishes. (*some*
> antonyms, I should stress - not all examples would be suitable for this
> treatment.) In an ontology, you might prefer the relationships to be more
> specific.
> Cheers
> Stella
> *****************************************************
> Stella Dextre Clarke
> Information Consultant
> Luke House, West Hendred, Wantage, Oxon, OX12 8RR, UK
> Tel: 01235-833-298
> Fax: 01235-863-298
> *****************************************************
>   -----Original Message-----
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Quentin Reul
> *Sent:* 26 April 2007 12:08
> *To:* SWD Working Group
> *Cc:*
> *Subject:* SKOS properties
> Hi all,
> I was looking at the properties available as part of SKOS and realized
> that there wasn't any properties to represent antonyms. However, these are
> sometimes useful and present in some thesauri such as WordNet. Would
> owl:disjointWith be sufficient to represent antonyms?
> Thanks,
> Quentin
> --
> ------------------------------
> Quentin H. Reul
> Computing Science
> University of Aberdeen
> +44 (0)1224 27 *4485*

Sue Ellen Wright
Institute for Applied Linguistics
Kent State University
Kent OH 44242 USA

Received on Thursday, 26 April 2007 14:30:58 UTC