Re: RE : Use case : issues with unicity of skos:prefLabel

Hi All,

> That's funny, I encountered a very similar problem ...

I actually was thinking about solving the problem
with the help of synsets similarly to WordNet:

I built a subProperty of altLabel: synSetMember.
All the synSetMember entries together would form a set
of "synonyms", i.e. *words* you can use within
a specific context with very similar meaning.

The prefLabel entry then would be the (label of the)
*concept*. ("word" is a linguistic category here,
as opposed to "concept", which is a semantical one).
I do achieve uniqueness if I concatenate all the string
representations of the synSetMebemer entries.

Is a crude misunderstanding of skos,
or would this be an allowed mediation between the
semantically orineted skos architecture and more
linguistically motivated lookup interests?


Dr. Johannes Busse
Amalienbadstraße 36 (Raumfabrik 29)  D76227 Karlsruhe
phone x49 (0) 721 / 509 809-35

Received on Thursday, 19 October 2006 15:23:44 UTC