Re: Concept Equivalence, IFPs, skos:subjectIndicator and owl:sameAs (was Re: SKOS Guide and owl:sameAs)

Hi Bernard,

Thanks for the nice summary! Missed the middle part of the discussion 
so took me a while before I understood that IFP = 
inverseFunctionalProperty ;)

Another option (a variant on the last one you mention) would be to 
drop subjectIndicator's IFP and instead have a reasoning rule in SKOS 
that asserts skos:exactMatch between skos:subjects with the same 
subjectIndicator. That protects from wrong usage of the 
subjectIndicator and consequent unwanted owl:sameAs statements. Golden 
rule is that if it is possible to use something wrongly it WILL happen ;)

In this solution the skos:subject values can come from existing 
vocabularies, which still sounds more attractive to me than blank 
nodes, because a blank node does not give any information beside the 

Another negative point for blank nodes is that in those solutions, 
someone wanting to fill in a skos:subject value needs to find an 
appropriate subjectIndicator first... each time s/he wants to annotate 
something. A lot more work than selecting from a fixed vocabulary.

My 2 cents,

  Mark F.J. van Assem - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam -

Received on Tuesday, 28 November 2006 14:19:23 UTC