Re: Astounding silence about same-ness Re: Concept Equivalence, IFPs, skos:subjectIndicator and owl:sameAs

tis 2006-11-07 klockan 00:37 +0100 skrev Bernard Vatant:

> There again, this story points to a current lack of expressiveness in 
> the whole RDF-OWL-SKOS toolkit, forbidding to say properly : Those two 
> things/concepts/resources describe the same thing, yes, but, er, well, 
> not really in the sense of owl:sameAs.

Well, couldn't this be a case of "we're describing the same thing, BUT
we're using different descriptions" ?

It seems to me that skos:Concept is an *explicit* conceptualization of
some thing. With a history, purpose, etc in itself, separately from the

so by using owl:sameAs, we're saying that not only are the described
"things" the same, but we're also using the *same* conceptualization,
with the same history etc.

OTOH, it's certainly an interesting statement to say, well, we're
talking about the same thing (subjectIndicator) but we're using
different conceptualizations, etc.

So, in short, couldn't the answer be that we are really talking about
two resources - the thing and the conceptualization?


> Bernard
> [1]
Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose

Received on Tuesday, 7 November 2006 10:24:31 UTC