
Dear collegues,
I'm working with Skos and finding some problem because it's difficult to
represent some compound concepts and it doesn't allow to connect a concept
to a subject rappresenting a complex argument.

May be useful to propose to the users some compouds terms that are
syntactily factorized, because the whole is in common use.
Standard ISO 2788 present this case at the point 7.1.3 at the last
For this aim, I think it would by useful to introduce a new element
"compound concept" with two sub element.

The first one is the label that rapresents this compound concept and the
second one is the reference to the  #nnn concept used with the #xxx
principal concept - <prefLabel> - for representing the compound concept.

<skos:Concept rdf:about="#xxx">
<skos:altCompoundlabel>Rail Safety</skos:altCompoundlabel>
<skos:usewith rdf:resource="#yyy">Railways<skos:usewith>

A similar element wuold be recorded under the Railways concept.

<skos:Concept rdf:about="#yyy">
<skos:altCompoundlabel>Rail Safety</skos:altCompoundlabel>
<skos:usewith rdf:resource="#xxx">Safety<skos:usewith>

The other element that I think may be useful for future uses of Skos, in
particular in the Italian libraries, is "is part of subject".
In Italy we normally use the word subject for a statement that can be
composed with more than one concept/terms.
It'll be very useful if it would possible connect a concept in a thesaurus
to a subject using a specific element and not directly to the document
using the element <isSubjectOf> or <isPrimarySubjectOf>.

For example :

<skos:Concept rdf:about="#xxx">
<skos:isPartOfSubject rdf:resource="#nnn">Railways - Safety - Management -
United Kingdom</skos:isPartOfSubject>

#nnn resource content = Railways - Safety - Management - United Kingdom

The inverse element may be <part>

Thank you for your attention

Yours sincerely,

Piero Cavaleri
Direttore Biblioteca Rostoni
Università Cattaneo Matteotti, 22
21053 Castellanza (VA)
tel. +39/0331/572282
fax +39/0331/572238

Received on Monday, 20 March 2006 11:52:49 UTC