AW: How to use notations from classification schemes in SKOS

In litteris suis de Montag, 13. Februar 2006 18:50, <>


> In a real classification scheme (such as DDC or UDC) the notation is
> the 
> unique identifier of the class, whereas the caption is not necessarily
> unique (two different classes, with different notations, could both
> have 
> the same caption).
This is indeed very true. In a thesaurus we can assume that preferred
terms are unique (which is explicitly stated in ths skos core vocabulary
specification  [1] "No two concepts in the same concept scheme may have
the same value for skos:prefLabel in a given language.]
> Therefore I would repeat Andy's warning that the notation in a
> classification scheme corresponds to the preferred term (preflabel)
> in a 
> thesaurus. The captions do not correspond exactly to non-preferred
> terms, so I'm not sure whether it is a good idea to treat them as
> altlabel. I suppose it depends on how they are interpreted by the
> user, 
> or user application.
Well, they are alternatives, at least in a way. What name would you give
> Now, how to handle it in SKOS... back on my old hobby horse: if you
> try 
> and make one model work for several different types of application,
> you 
> may have to make the model quite complicated and you can end up with
> confusion.
If I understand you correctly, you're actually saying that we need a new
ontology for describing classification schemes. In that case we need to
redefine the skos quest, since "SKOS is an area of work developing
specifications and standards to support the use of knowledge
organisation systems (KOS) such as thesauri, *classification schemes*,
subject heading lists, taxonomies, other types of controlled vocabulary,
and perhaps also terminologies and glossaries, within the framework of
the Semantic Web." [2] (emphasis mine).



Dr. Lars G. Svensson
Die Deutsche Bibliothek
Informationstechnik / Projekt DDC-Deutsch
Tel.: 069 / 1525 - 1752

Received on Wednesday, 15 February 2006 08:24:23 UTC