AW: [PORT] SKOS Core Issues and proposals

In litteris suis de Freitag, 3. Februar 2006 15:17, <>

> Hi all,
> Picking up the thread of discussion relating to the 'Proposals' list
> ... 
> I'd be quite happy to change the title of the 'Proposals' list [1] to
> 'Proposals and Issues', with the understanding that an item in this
> list 
> may be any of the following:
>   - A proposal for addition(s) to the SKOS Core Vocabulary, i.e. a
> proposal for new class(es), property(ies) or individual(s), in
> response 
> to a stated requirement or issue.
>   - A proposal for modification(s) to the formal (RDF) description of
> the SKOS Core Vocabulary, in response to a stated requirement or
> issue. 
>   - A proposal for addition(s) to the normative specifications of the
> SKOS Core Vocabulary, in terms of additional sections to current
> documents, or additional documents, in response to a stated
> requirement 
> or issue.
>   - A proposal for modification(s) to the normative specifications of
> the SKOS Core Vocabulary, in terms of modifications to section(s) of
> current documents, in response to a stated requirement or issue.
>   - A statement of a known requirement, for which there is currently
> no 
> proposed resolution.
>   - A statement of a known issue, for which there is currently no
> proposed resolution.
> How would that be?


Dr. Lars G. Svensson
Die Deutsche Bibliothek
Informationstechnik / Projekt DDC-Deutsch
Tel.: 069 / 1525 - 1752

Received on Friday, 10 February 2006 09:57:07 UTC