- From: Aida Slavic <aida@acorweb.net>
- Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2006 20:04:32 +0100
- To: <public-esw-thes@w3.org>
> > For DDC numbers I use <skos:prefLabel xml:lang="art"> so >I don't remember writing the above, but if I did it was an oversight. From >the Dewey editors perspective, the preferred label for a DDC concept is the >class number, not the caption or indexing terms associated with the concept. Good point here. Notation is the unique identifier of a class and this is what an indexing term in classification is. This is why the notation is treated as classification heading in MARC21 and UNIMARC classification formats, as well as in many classification db systems and IR systems - as the classification heading. The caption is only a verbal description of a class. It usually contains meaningful terms describing the class but many classifications will contain: - context dependent i.e. captions that cannot be understood outside a hierarchy, such as "Other" or "Other characteristics" - the same captions for several notations (as in J. Voss' paper, see below) - the same caption in different languages (as pointed out by Andrew) Jakob Voss in his paper defines caption: "The main label of a class in a classification is called caption. The main label of a class in a classification is called caption. Unlike thesauri and subject headings, classification may have multiple classes with the same caption. For instance in DDC there are many classes that share the caption “Historical, geographic, persons treatment”" One can't, for instance, say 'unlike thesauri and SH' classifications may have multiple classes...' because thesauri and SH do not normally organize concepts into classes (if we put aside for a moment systematic presentation in a thesaurus). In Jakob's paper both caption and notation are skos:prefLabel as if botj caption and notation are the same indexing term - only expressed in two different languages: artificial and natural - which is not the case. E.g. 2-136.6 Manism. Mana. Gaia. Pantheism. Supernatural inherent in material world Notation above contains much more information than caption: 2 Religion (in general) - [special auxiliary table - this means that the notation is precombined] -1 Theory and philosophy of religion. Nature of religion. Phenomenon of religion -13 The Holy. The sacred. The supernatural. Object(s) of religion/worship -136 Manifestation of the supernatural -136.6 Manism. Mana. Gaia. Pantheism. Supernatural inherent in material world When tuncated during searching notation will increase recall in quite a different way from its caption If a verbal term for searching has to be linked/coordinated to the class notation for the purpose of IR - this can be taken from subject-alphabetical index which is also a normal part of classification system. aida
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