Re: Agenda amendment: SKOS drafts

Miles, AJ (Alistair) wrote:

>Hi Guus,
>>-----Original Message-----
>>[]On Behalf Of Guus Schreiber
>>Sent: 16 October 2005 23:23
>>To: SWBPD list
>>Subject: Agenda amendment: SKOS drafts
>>Alistair has proposed to a decision for tomorrow's telecon to publish 
>>the new editor's drafts of the SKOS documents as WD, see:
>>I think we could also consider to publish these as WG Note. 
>>This depends 
>>on whether we think we are finished with them as a WG. This is a 
>>decision I would like to take at the ftf, if appropriate.
>I'd like to publish as WD, to become background reading for SKOS discussion at f2f.  We could then discuss at f2f whether to move these to WG Note, with no further change within the scope of this WG.  However I was hoping that we would have time within the WG chartered lifetime to do a third round of publication, documenting resolutions to at least some of the issues I intend to present to the WG at the f2f.  I'll be writing up these issues asap.
Yup, I also prefer WD.


Received on Monday, 17 October 2005 11:31:37 UTC