[PORT] comment please: editor's drafts of SKOS Core Spec and Guide following 2nd review

Hi all,

I've prepared a revised editor's draft of the SKOS Core Guide:


There is also the revised editor's draft of the SKOS Core Vocabulary Specification, which includes recent translations from Bernard and Thomas:


I would like to put these two documents forward for publication as W3C Public Working Drafts at the next SWBPD-WG telecon (17th October) so please send any comments you have on these two documents to the public-esw-thes@w3.org list by next ***Thursday 13th October***.  

The 2005-10-06 draft of the SKOS Core Guide includes the following 'major' changes:

 - Section 'Documentation Properties' rewritten, to describe new property skos:note, to include examples of various notes, and to include example of using dc:audience with a note property.

 - Section 'HTTP URIs for Concepts' rewritten in light of TAG resolution of httpRange-14

... and the following 'minor' changes:

 - All images redone to be clearer.

 - Bit of prose from spec 'In practice, this means that data sources can be distributed across the web in a decentralised way, but still be meaningfully composed and integrated by applications, often in novel and unanticipated ways.' added to guide intro.

 - Section heading 'The skos:Concept Class' changed to 'The Concept Class'.

 - Text 'A resource should have no more than one primary subject from any one concept scheme.' added to section 'Primary Subjects'.

The 2005-10-06 draft of the SKOS Core Vocabulary Specification includes the following changes (other than those reflecting changes to the underlying RDF):

 - New section 'Translations'

 - New section 'Release Notes'

As I said, please any additional comments by next thursday, so I can fold them in in time for the telecon.

Thanks to everyone for chipping in.


Alistair Miles
Research Associate
CCLRC - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Building R1 Room 1.60
Fermi Avenue
Oxfordshire OX11 0QX
United Kingdom
Email:        a.j.miles@rl.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)1235 445440

Received on Friday, 7 October 2005 17:01:08 UTC