Re: Territorial Units Thesaurus


In the Project I am working we are using other thesarus that are in SKOS 
format, as GEMET, AGROVOC and EUROVOC, so for new thesaurus/ontologies 
we decided to try to construct them using SKOS as base. It is true that 
we can have lost of information because of the limits of the SKOS 
relations, but I think that if it is needed we can extend SKOS with OWL 
terms to represent the information not suported in SKOS, providing 
compatilility with services that use SKOS but without loss of 
informations needed for other services.

I will keep you informed or our advances and thanks a lot for your links,
Javier Lacasta

Mark van Assem wrote:

> Hi,
> Doug rightly suggests TGN, which is extremely comprehensive. But as 
> far as I understand not available freely. BTW do you specifically need 
> a thesaurus? Converting TGN to RDF/OWL (which I've been involved in 
> for the MultimediaN project) delivers a much richer information source.
> Mark.
> Javier Lacasta wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> It is the first time I write in this maling list, so I want to salute 
>> all of you.
>> I have to create a thesaurus of the territorial units of Spain and 
>> France and I am going to use SKOS as storage format transforming the 
>> available information in other formats. I wanted to know if any of 
>> you know if this kind of  information is already available in SKOS 
>> format or if in other countries there is other similar initiative 
>> that I can use as base (information models, problems founds...).
>> Thaks in advance,
>> Javier Lacasta

Javier Lacasta Miguel
Departamento de Informática e Ingeniería de Sistemas
Centro Politécnico Superior, Universidad de Zaragoza
Edificio Ada Byron, María de Luna, 1
E-50018 Zaragoza, España
Tf: 976 76 21 34
Fax: 976 76 19 14

Received on Tuesday, 4 October 2005 13:20:47 UTC