Hi Akshay,
> I was wondering if there was a SKOS version of DMOZ (or part of the
> Open Directory) or WordNet that is already available?
I did a SKOS version of the Open Directory a little while ago.  I used 
an xsl transform to map the DMOZ terms to SKOS. Since the structure and 
content files are too big to feed to an XSLT processor without it 
choking, I also hacked up a quick perl script to chop structure.rdf.u8 
or content.rdf.u8 files into bite size pieces.  I've attached the perl 
script, and the content and structure transforms for your DMOZ hacking 

Note that I'm a not an experienced perl or xslt programmer, so the 
scripts are likely to have perl/xsl druids rolling in the aisles 
laughing. But they do the job. Sometimes you don't need a tungten-tipped 
magnesium alloy screwdriver to drive in a screw,  a sufficiently heavy 
hammer will do the job too :-)


Ian Dickinson    HP Labs, Bristol, UK     ph:+44 (117) 312 8796

Received on Thursday, 30 June 2005 12:14:47 UTC