Re: comment: WD 10 May 2005

> According to the thesaurus standards, the BT/NT relationship should be 
> used only for the three relationship types: class/subclass, whole/part 
> (in a limited number of specified cases), and class/instance.
> The problem is that many existing thesauri and other controlled 
> vocabulary lists do not conform strictly to these guidelines, either 
> through looseness of interpretation or because they think it will be 
> "helpful to users".  :-(

I hope this pattern will not repeat itself for ontologies on the web 
using rdfs:Class/rdfs:subClassOf...

Actually that is something we're helping to prevent; by expressing 
thesauri etc. in the SKOS vocabulary and not as classes etc. in RDF/OWL.


  Mark F.J. van Assem - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam -

Received on Thursday, 21 July 2005 10:18:57 UTC