- From: John McClure <jmcclure@hypergrove.com>
- Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2005 17:11:24 -0700
- To: "Bernard Vatant" <bernard.vatant@mondeca.com>, <public-esw-thes@w3.org>
Bernard, Thank you for the reply. I don't deny the need for a class like Concept. I guess that I'm disturbed by your implementation. One use case I think of categorizes resources by the terms defined within an ontology. Under SKOS, the whole ontology seems duplicated so that each resource's <dc:Subject> value can reference an instance of Concept rather than directly referencing a class defined in the ontology. CONCEPT DEFINITION. What is "a term in a controlled vocabulary" (your words) if not an rdfs:Class -- this is not asked rhetorically at all. Perhaps your definition of a Concept is revealed when you say with regard to FreedomOfSpeech that "I am quite reluctant to consider this concept as a class, because I wonder what the instances would be" -- this suggest your definition is that anything that is difficult to envision as an instance, is therefore a Concept. [BTW, consider a "FreedomOfSpeech" resource as an item in an inventory of rights had by an individual.] My alternative view is that a 'concept' is a document-related class of resources distinguishable by a Reasoner from the classes of terms defined within an ontology being used by or specified within the document. Resources can be categorized as being 'of' a concept either by a property, eg <dc:Subject>, or by an <rdf:type> element which specifies the Concept instance. Conversely, the 'isSubjectOf' property should most definitely be applicable to instances of owl:Class (and to its subclass, Concept), referring to those resources categorized as being 'of' the concept. TOPIC RELATION. I see no conceptual semantic difference, and little has been offered, between a concept and a topic. My view is that every concept IS a topic; every topic is a concept. A topic (or concept) refers conceptually either to (a) a set of generic or specific instances or (b) a specific instance, about which statements are made or, said another way, which are the subject matter of ensuing statements. Due to (a), I claim that topics are normally plural terms; those infrequent times they are singular, means that the topic of the text unit is a specific resource. An ontology class can be referenced in a ConceptSchema as a Concept that is either a reified statement about the class, or one whose subject is the ontology class. In this way class instances can be referenced in a topic map as easily as new topics (or concepts) can be defined. Likewise, a topic or concept that is about another topic or concept, is a reified statement or (if you prefer) one whose subject is the other topic or concept. Lastly, and perhaps this is better left for later, I see little difference between a 'category' and a concept, topic, or class -- in my own ontology I use the metaclass 'Category' because it seems more user-friendly. Its Word Net definition is "A general concept that marks divisions or coordinations in a conceptual scheme. A collection of things sharing a common attribute." OTHER SKOS CLASSES. I see no problem making skos:ConceptSchema (or TopicMap) a subclass of Ontology. A skos:Collection looks all the world like an anonymous class (which can have its own rdfs:label BTW) and which is composed of a unionOf (with its parseType =Collection incidentally) with its sub-concepts (or sub-topics or sub-classes) then listed. Can OrderedCollection be accommodated by a different parseType? SKOS PROPERTIES. If a Concept is a metaclass (that is, whose instances are also instances of owl:Class), there are implications for the properties defined for Concept. For instance, while the 'broader' property appears directly equivalent to rdfs:subClassOf, the 'narrower' property is not formally accommodated. Child concept/topic resources certainly are narrowed concepts/topics in accordance to the definition of a 'subclass'. I haven't time now to analyze other SKOS properties... Bottom-line, the SKOS data model remains ambiguous to me so I would much appreciate it if SKOS could make a rigorous distinction between a class, topic, concept, subject, and category -- to help practitioners like myself understand best practices on the Semantic Web. Oh, as for "table of contents" -- I can't find it now! Thought it was there.... sorry for the noise about that. Best regards, John McClure
Received on Thursday, 21 July 2005 00:11:06 UTC