RE: symbolic labels

Hi Chaals,

> Any arguments about the string that is at the end of the URI 
> are not quite  
> getting the point. None of these terms are more meaningful in 
> Norwegian -  
> what matters is how the URIs themselves are labelled.

I agree, but unfortunately I do think the aesthetics of the URIs make a difference to english speakers, especially as in almost all technical documents it's the QName that's quoted and not the label.  So it's worth discussing, especially at this stage, really to flag up any potential confusion that might be avoided.

Btw, can I persuade you (or anyone else?) to do french/spanish/norwegian/??? labels and definitions for SKOS Core classes and properties?  :)

> The real question, IMHO, is whether there should be a class 
> of symbolic  
> label which is seperate from teh normal labels, or whether 
> symbols should  
> be a subtype of labels, and preferred/alternative symbols 
> should be a  
> subtype of the corresponding types of label.
> Where would audio labels fit into this, so that you would find them?

If an image and a string literal are performing the same function (i.e. they are 'labels' for something) then it makes good design sense to have a single property as the functional root of all 'labelling' properties.  

However, practical considerations do come to bear here, and I know that as a programmer it is more convenient for me to have the labelling properties with a literal range partitioned from the labelling properties with an image resource range partitioned from the labelling properties with an audio resource range.  And I wouldn't want to give up having skos:prefLabel, skos:altLabel and skos:hiddenLabel as sub-properties of rdfs:label.

We have yet to see whether having three usage patterns for the SKOS Core documentation properties will prove too inconvenient in practice (anyone got any feedback on that?)

So I would have the property hierarchy as follows (labels in brackets):

 +-- skos:prefLabel (preferred lexical label)
 +-- skos:altLabel (alternative lexical label)
 +-- skos:hiddenLabel (hidden lexical label)

skos:symbol (symbolic label)
 +-- skos:prefSymbol (preferred symbolic label)
 +-- skos:altSymbol (alternative symbolic label)

skos:audioLabel (audio label)
 +-- skos:prefAudio (preferred audio label)
 +-- skos:altAudio (alternative audio label)

... I know it's not perfect functional design, but it represents a good compromise IMHO.

Btw I can't decide between skos:symbol & skos:symbolicLabel as a URI, although I think the label should definitely be 'symbolic label'.  

I hope this addresses Mikael's comments too?



> cheers
> Chaals
> -- 
> Charles McCathieNevile                    
>           hablo español - je parle français - jeg lærer norsk
>    Here's one we prepared earlier:


Received on Monday, 4 July 2005 12:41:02 UTC