Re: using SKOS Core labelling properties with other vocabs

This seems like a good idea. In general it seems like a sensible practice to
consider the useful domain of properties and make it easy to re-use them - a
couple of times I have gone through the exercise of looking for existing
properties from vocabs to roll my own mixed-'n'-matched RDF and been
frustrated by domains being overly constraining on things that seemed broadly

I certainly think some examples are called for, and perhaps a short note
explaining why it is handy to be able to take a couple of useful properties
from some vocabulary and use them in conjunction with different ones.

But then it becomes important to document reasonably well in the schema what
the meaning is, and the type of thing it applies to...



On Mon, 10 Jan 2005, Miles, AJ (Alistair) wrote:

>I got an enquiry today about whether it's OK to use skos:prefLabel and
>skos:altLabel with an owl:Class.  The domain of the SKOS Core labelling
>properties (skos:prefLabel, skos:altLabel) is deliberately unconstrained to
>allow this type of use (the same also goes for the SKOS Core annotation
>properties skos:publicNote, skos:definition, skos:changeNote etc.), but we
>could make this explicit in the guide with a bit of extra prose and and
>example perhaps?  What do you think?

Received on Monday, 10 January 2005 17:53:33 UTC