Re: Quick Guide to Publishing a Thesaurus on the Semantic Web

At 14:16 25/02/2005, Thomas Baker wrote:

>Hmm, it feels to me that the notion of converting between XML
>and RDF automatically opens a can of worms.  For starters,
>what is an "XML version of a thesaurus"?  Such a document
>could presumably take on any number of forms since the document
>models expressible in XML are theoretically quite diverse.

Even assuming that a conversion could be done automatically, there is also 
the question of what information might be lost in doing so. The model 
underlying SKOS, for instance, does not include all of the information in 
the BS 8743 model, which might make it unsuitable for certain kinds of uses.


Ron Davies
Information and documentation systems consultant
Av. Baden-Powell 1  Bte 2, 1200 Brussels, Belgium
Email:  ron(a)
Tel:    +32 (0)2 770 33 51
GSM:    +32 (0)484 502 393 

Received on Monday, 28 February 2005 07:33:45 UTC