FW: Indirection

Hi Dan,

OK now I'm totally back on your side :)  This makes it very clear I think.

> I think we disagree slightly, but I accept that 
> you're right about what Thesaurus authors think their 
> data structures mean. 
> The problem is probably easiest when we think about nodes in a 
> thesaurus graph that 'stand for' individuals. I could have a node
> in SKOS thes I make that stands for you. Libby Miller might 
> make a quite distinct SKOS thesaurus some years later, and
> also include a concept for you. There are then two things there,
> both concepts, but there's only one you. SKOS keeps the nodes
> separate, as I understand it, so that the node that really 
> stands for you (ie. has an rdf:type of Person) carries 
> properties such as age, favouriteSong, workplaceHomepage; while
> the two SKOS concept nodes have properties that are properties
> of conceptualisations of you (eg. dated 2004 or 2007, pointers
> to the scheme they come from, etc.).
> This is a re-hash of our discussion around the 'denotes', or 
> 'stands for' or whatever property, I think...

> Maybe it can be postponed until after the first WD? 

I'd like to try and draft a short section for the guide as it is, just to point this up as an interesting discussion area (with maybe a few links to emails in the archive).  Then we can attack it again later :)



Received on Monday, 7 February 2005 12:36:12 UTC