change notes vs history notes

Hi all,

As Andy explains it below is exactly how these two note properties were intended.  So you could say e.g. the function of a skos:changeNote is to record fine-grained information about any change to a concept, and the function of a skos:historyNote is to record instructions for modified usage of a concept after a change has occurred.  How does that sound?  (Trying to convince myself that there really is a difference in 'function' and not just audience.)

I guess the prose in the guide explaining this should be improved?



> One way to think about historyNote vs. changeNote is that a 
> history note documents a change to a concept for public
> consumption and a change note documents a change to the 
> thesaurus management system usually for non-public
> consumption.
> For example the thesaurus management system may automatically
> create change notes when an editor checks in a change to a
> concept or group of concepts in the thesaurus.  This might 
> look like:
> <skos:changeNote xml:lang='en'>
> Checked in 2005-08-03T13:30:00-04:00 by userX
> Check in comment: completed changes to all concepts relating to pears.
> </skos:changeNote>
> But the history note might read:
> <skos:historyNote xml:lang='en'>
> Pears were previously listed as a narrower term under vegetables
> instead of fruits.
> </skos:historyNote>
> Wish I could find a really good example in an existing controlled
> vocabulary...  Not sure if that makes things clearer or more murky.
> Andy.

Received on Thursday, 4 August 2005 11:18:25 UTC