Re: [Proposal][SKOS-Core] Some extensions around dc:subject


On Tuesday 21 September 2004 19:40, Miles, AJ (Alistair) wrote:
> skos:isSubjectOf		a	rdf:Property;
> 	owl:inverseOf	dc:subject;
> 	rdfs:range		rdf:Resource;
> 	vs:term_status	'unstable'.
This looks good to me.

> skos:primarySubject	a	rdf:Property;
> 	rdfs:subPropertyOf	dc:subject;
> 	vs:term_status	'unstable'.
The FOAF equivalent foaf:primaryTopic is an owl:FunctionalProperty, but I'm 
not sure about the consequences re Full/DL if this were to be declared as 

> skos:isPrimarySubjectOf	a	rdf:Property;
> 	rdfs:subPropertyOf	skos:isSubjectOf;
> 	owl:inverseOf	skos:primarySubject;
> 	vs:term_status	'unstable'.
Likewise, this could be declared as an owl:InverseFunctionalProperty.

I think it would be a good idea to define the range and domain, respectively, 
of the last two, as skos:Concept, to keep people like me from misusing them 
in other contexts. :-)
At least if the expectation will be that the object/subject is in fact a 

/me thinks in passing about using a skos:Concept as the object of 


Received on Tuesday, 21 September 2004 19:13:55 UTC