RE: inScheme v. OWL set semantics

Hi Jason,

> If you create a concept scheme with concepts and make it public, you
> wouldn't want anyone to arbitrarly assert:
> <http://myconcept> <skos:inScheme> <http://publishedScheme> .
> But theres no way in SKOS to describe a class (a skos:ConceptScheme),
> completly specified with an enumeration of it's members 
> (skos:Concept). 
> An enumerated class in OWL seems to be a better way to say that these
> concepts belongs to this vocabulary. This would obsolete the 
> <skos:inScheme>
> property and give a catalog the knowledge of scheme and 
> concepts clearly
> defined in one place -- in the schema and not among the instances.

This is worth further discussion I think.

What's to stop someone publishing an alternative enumeration?  Won't you
still need provenance data if someone tries to make spurious claims,
whichever mechanism you use?

Also, a concept scheme may not be simply an enumeration of a set of concepts
- most people from the thesaurus community consider a concept scheme as
consisting also of a set of semantic relationships between concepts. 

Am open to discussion and alternatives here, and as a general statement
support the re-use features of existing vocabs such as OWL, wherever


> - Jason

Received on Monday, 15 November 2004 18:00:16 UTC