RDF Thesaurus - Unresolved Design Issues

Hi everyone,

I've started a writeup and discussion of unresolved design issues regarding
the RDF thesaurus work.  It's on the SWAD wiki
<http://esw.w3.org/topic/RdfThesaurus>.  Nikki, Dave B., Danbri, Dave R.,
Andy, Libby, Chaals, Steve C, Paul, Brian, Ian, Alvaro, everyone in SWAD, it
would be great if you could get involved, I could really do with some
feedback and a bit of your expertise.

I'll post a short summary to the public-esw-thes list when I add any new
issues to the wiki, so please keep an eye out.



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Received on Friday, 31 October 2003 11:16:19 UTC