Exploring reference by description for concepts.

Hi fellas,

Got a question for you, if you've got chance to have a look at this I'd be
very grateful.

At the last SWAD-E technical meeting it was suggested that rather than give
each concept in a thesaurus a URI, we could use reference by description.
So we could have thesaurus data that looks like:

	<soks:prefLabel>bangers and mash</soks:prefLabel>
	<rdfs:label>bangers & mash</rdfs:label>
	<rdfs:label>sausage and mash</rdfs:label>

I'm using 'soks' as the prefix to refer to the namespace where we define a
core set of classes and properties for describing generic knowledge
organisation systems including thesauri (superkos -> soks ... got a better
name for this let me know!)

My question is this.  Now if I want to make statements linking this
anonymous concept to other anonymously defined concepts, how do I do that?
Is it enough for example to say ... 

	<soks:prefLabel>bangers and mash</soks:prefLabel>
			<soks:prefLabel>english foods</soks:prefLabel>

Now lets say I also define the concept referenced above more fully ...

	<soks:prefLabel>english foods</soks:prefLabel>
	<rdfs:label>english dishes</rdfs:label>	
	<rdfs:label>english cuisine</rdfs:label>	

... if all the above rdf statements in this email define a model, does that
model have two or four anonymous concepts?  
If I ask a query engine, what are all the rdfs:labels of the concept that is
broader than the concept with soks:prefLabel 'bangers and mash', what answer
will I get?   

Can you can point me to any parts of the specs that deals with this?



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Received on Wednesday, 29 October 2003 12:02:35 UTC