Re: Exploring reference by description for concepts.

Hi Alistair,

> At the last SWAD-E technical meeting it was suggested that rather than give
> each concept in a thesaurus a URI, we could use reference by description.
> So we could have thesaurus data that looks like:
> <soks:Concept>	
> 	<soks:prefLabel>bangers and mash</soks:prefLabel>
> 	<rdfs:label>bangers & mash</rdfs:label>
> 	<rdfs:label>sausage and mash</rdfs:label>
> 	<rdfs:isDefinedBy
> rdf:resource=""/>
> </soks:Concept>

I'd be inclined to have a URI label:
     <soks:hasURI rdf:resource=" />

The point being that the same concept might be defined in several ontologies 
with different URIs. Then the hasURI can be an InverseFunctionalProperty whereas 
prefLabel is only unique relative to a specific thesaurus.

The value of this over simply letting each thesaurus define its own URI and 
adding separate owl:sameAs statements is possibly not that great.


Received on Monday, 3 November 2003 10:08:04 UTC