Equity Community Group Minutes, March 4, 2024


Bruce Bailey and I joined the call. I shared with him the update that Tzviya and I are working on meeting with the Sustainable Web Design group to evolve the Accessibility Maturity Model to include both equity and sustainable web design, with a plan to also connect with security and others.

Our next meeting is Monday, March 18. I will be at CSUN, and plan to still have the meeting.

Meetings from today: https://www.w3.org/2024/03/04-equity-minutes.html

Thank you,

Jennifer Strickland (they/them, she/her)
Senior Human Centered Accessibility Engineer
Collaboration and Social Computing (L178)
Email: jstrickland@mitre.org<mailto:jstrickland@mitre.org>
Cell: 571-319-2230

Received on Monday, 4 March 2024 15:27:03 UTC