Minutes from 25 September 2023 Equity CG meeting

Hello Equity CG,

During today's meeting, Jen and Wendy were present. We reviewed the Github and documents. Jen restructured the public-facing equity-cg Github<https://github.com/w3c/equity-cg> to add areas for Resources and Definition Work. In Resources we'll collect Equity framework examples and materials for education on equity. If you have any, feel free to add them. If Github isn’t your bag, then the Google doc or slides are also good. Let me know if you need links.

Link to Minutes

Next Meeting
Our next meeting is Monday, the 9th of October at 14:00 UTC (10am Eastern, 7am Pacific), and we’ll continue the agenda items.

  *   Review questions for evolving the accessibility maturity model to an equity version
  *   Proceed with work previously started on maturity model

Thank you,

Jennifer Strickland (they/them, she/her)
Senior Human Centered Accessibility Engineer
Collaboration and Social Computing (L178)
Email: jstrickland@mitre.org<mailto:jstrickland@mitre.org>
Cell: 571-319-2230

Received on Monday, 25 September 2023 14:40:44 UTC