FW: Equity CG Agenda 17 July 2023

Hi there,

I didn’t see this come through in my inbox so am resending to make sure it actually went to the Equity CG.

Tzviya cc’d as an extra check.

Fingers crossed!

From: Jennifer Strickland <jstrickland@mitre.org>
Date: Thursday, July 13, 2023 at 3:25 PM
To: public-equity@w3.org <public-equity@w3.org>
Subject: Equity CG Agenda 17 July 2023
Hi Equity Community Group,

We'll meet at 14:00 UTC on Monday, 17 July, 2023.

Details including Zoom information can be found at https://www.w3.org/groups/cg/equity/calendar/.

We use IRC to take minutes for the meeting. You can use IRC in your browser by going to irc.w3.org and then to the #equity-cg channel.


  *   Review iterations 17 July Action Item:
Riff on the two bullets above to find a definition that will work for W3C [1]
  *   Document next steps for said definition

[1] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LbVYfQz1Jk809xlRuxrbqze43AopU3Zn8VIZMfMvNEc/edit?usp=sharing
(Shared link permissions set to Commenter as this is a public email. Please reply if you need a different access level.)

Have a lovely weekend!

Jennifer Strickland (they/them, she/her)
Senior Human Centered Accessibility Engineer
Collaboration and Social Computing (L178)
Email: jstrickland@mitre.org<mailto:jstrickland@mitre.org>
Cell: 571-319-2230

Received on Friday, 14 July 2023 13:00:49 UTC