EPUBCheck v5.0.0-beta-1 (Preview) - EPUB 3.3 partial support

Hi everyone,

EPUBCheck v5.0.0-beta-1 is now available at the following page:


This is a preview of the next major version of EPUBCheck, v5.0.0. It replaces the previous alpha version.

This release provides improved partial support for EPUB 3.3, including notably:
- SVG doctype declarations are now allowed
- files can use any extension (for instance, not necessarily '.xhtml' for XHTML documents)
- various resource and container new checks
- changes to the Navigation Document content model

See the full change log on the release page.

Feedback or bug reports from early testers are much welcome! via replies to this email or directly to our issue tracker on GitHub:


Many thanks to everyone who keeps contributing via bug reports, testing, pull requests, or localization!


Romain Deltour – @rdeltour
Software and standards development
The DAISY Consortium

Received on Monday, 24 January 2022 14:18:42 UTC