EPUBCheck v5.0.0-alpha-1 (Preview) - EPUB 3.3 early support

Hi everyone,

EPUBCheck v5.0.0-alpha-1 is now available at the following page:


This is an early preview of the next major version of EPUBCheck, v5.0.0.

This first preview provides initial (and partial) support for EPUB 3.3, including notably:
- all the new or updated conformance criteria for Package Documents
- new core media types
- SVG content checking is no-longer normative
- up-to-date schemas for HTML, SVG, MathML (from the Nu HTML Checker) 

See the full change log on the release page.


  * the required Java runtime environment has been updated to Java 8 or greater. Java 8 is an LTS version, with extended support until December 2030.

  * For easier testing of early EPUB 3.3 support, this version exposes the usual command line interface.
    However, please note that starting from the next preview, EPUBCheck will present a new command line interface, which will not be backward-compatible with the current one (option names will differ). Be prepared to update your integration!

  * This EPUBCheck version is not available in the Maven Central Repository. It is only available (temporarily) as a binary on the GitHub release page.

Feedback or bug reports from early testers are much welcome! via replies to this email or directly to our issue tracker on GitHub:


Many thanks to everyone who keeps contributing via bug reports, testing, pull requests, or localization!


Romain Deltour – @rdeltour
Software and standards development
The DAISY Consortium

Received on Monday, 15 November 2021 08:28:23 UTC