- From: Ken Jones <ken@circularsoftware.com>
- Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2024 22:27:50 +0000
- To: Dale Rogers <dalerrogers@gmail.com>
- CC: w3c/publishingcg <reply+AAOCKEQEWF46PECJVSNYC7GD5XRLNEVBNHHH6IOWJE@reply.github.com>, W3C EPUB 3 Community Group <public-epub3@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <FE919B01-5A41-43C2-B5F2-E25640815637@circularsoftware.com>
Hi Dale I suggest you add xml:lang=“en” to that line. This is an example of a typical html tag for a fixed layout EPUB content document. <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:epub="http://www.idpf.org/2007/ops" lang="en-GB" xml:lang="en-GB"> Thanks Ken Ken Jones Director Circular Software Limited circularsoftware.com<https://www.circularsoftware.com/> ken@circularsoftware.com<mailto:ken@circularsoftware.com> linkedin.com/in/kenjones<http://linkedin.com/in/kenjones> On 1 Sep 2024, at 23:19, Dale Rogers <dalerrogers@gmail.com> wrote: Hello all: I sent this request to Avneesh Singh as well. So, I apologize in advance for cross-posting. I’m trying to track down an error as I am publishing my first fixed-layout eBook to Amazon, Kobo, and Ingram Spark. The short version: I’m hand-coding the EPUB so I know exactly what is in there. I’m a front-end coder and have taught HTML/CSS for 18 years. I am CIW certified. I understand markup. I’m using VS Code as my editor so there shouldn’t be any odd hidden characters. It’s plain text, coded as UTF-8. I ran my EPUB package through the latest EPUB checker (version 5.1.0 according to the CHANGELOG.txt file). It validates. I ran it through the Daisy ACE checker. It validates. It opens and displays as designed on my iBooks, and Kindle apps on my MacBook Air, iPad Pro, and iPhone. So far, so good. During the submission process to Ingram Spark and Kobo Writing Life, I’m getting the error: Error while parsing file: [attribute "class" not allowed here; expected attribute "dir", "version" or "xml:lang"] in OEBPS/title-page.xhtml, line 2 Line 2 contains the following code… <html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml lang="en"> I ran the code and errors through ChatGPT to see if AI could help me isolate the issue. It recommended I confirm the versions of EPUB check being used. Good idea. According to KOBO documentation (https://github.com/kobolabs/epub-spec/blob/master/README.md#epub-versions-kobo-supports), it uses EPUB checker version 4.2.4. I validated my file with EPUB checker version 5.1.0. Is that what is throwing my Kobo and Ingram Spark errors? Should I ignore the Ingram Spark and Kobo validator warnings and proceed with confidence that my validators are more current? Has anyone else run into this? My project is a comic book. The intended audience is sighted readers. Still, I want everyone to enjoy the experience, and the image alt attributes have rich descriptions of all the panels. Is this an issue to be reported? What is the workaround or guidance to get my book published? Best Regards, Dale Dale R Rogers, M.Ed, CIW Creator | Designer | Educator Personal: dale@dalerogers.me<mailto:dale@dalerogers.me> Web: dalerogers.me<https://dalerogers.me/>
Received on Sunday, 1 September 2024 22:27:57 UTC