epub-object-ts started to support a11y metadata

It was quite interesting when I was reading new a11y 1.1 spec and was 
wondering how to deal with accessibilitySummary this morning then it was 
discussed in the sub-taskforce meeting next hour.

the new epub-object-ts 0.0.34 
(https://github.com/wysebee/epub-object-ts) started to expose a11y metadata.

Here is one output when I tried the accessible_epub_3 from idpf sample 
book repository


from inside examples/node folder

$ yarn load -f epub3-samples/30/accessible_epub_3.epub -o a11y

loading file ../../../candidates/epub3-samples/30/accessible_epub_3.epub
a11y information {
   accessMode: [ 'textual', 'visual' ],
   accessibilityFeature: [ 'tableOfContents', 'readingOrder', 
'alternativeText' ],
   accessibilityHazard: [ 'none' ],
   accessibilitySummary: [
     'This EPUB Publication meets the requirements of the EPUB 
Accessibility specification with conformance to WCAG 2.0 Level AA. The 
publication is screen reader friendly.'
   accessModeSufficient: [ 'textual,visual', 'textual' ],
   wcagLevel: 'aa'



Zheng Xu

Chief Executive Officer
Gardenia Corp

Received on Thursday, 19 May 2022 18:33:28 UTC