Agenda for the May 2022 Publishing Community Group meeting (11 May)

Dear colleagues,

on 11 May - next Wednesday - we invite you to the next meeting of our Publishing Community Group as usual at 11:00 EDT/17:00 CEST.

Here is the agenda:

  1.  Recap of the April 2022 session

  2.  Task Force's Update:
     *   A11Y TF
     *   Documentation TF
     *   Education Use Cases TF

  3.  Defining target groups in the educational sector and their specific needs

  4.  Discuss open Github issues: "Highlights, Notes, Comments, and Annotations #32"

  5.  Use cases and extant applications of Web Publishing

Have a nice day!

Mateus, Wolfgang and Zheng

Received on Thursday, 5 May 2022 09:32:05 UTC