RE: [A11Y] Agenda of Accessibility TF meeting (Publishing CG): Thu, Mar 24, at 14 UTC

Regrets, conflicting meeting

Tzviya Siegman
Information Standards Principal

From: Avneesh Singh <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2022 2:56 AM
To:; 'W3C Publishing Community Group' <>
Subject: [A11Y] Agenda of Accessibility TF meeting (Publishing CG): Thu, Mar 24, at 14 UTC

This is an external email.
Dear all,

The conference call for accessibility task force of Publishing CG is scheduled at the following time.
Thursday, March 24, 2022, at 14:00 UTC.
Local time:<*task*force*meeting*3A*Publishing*CG&iso=20220324T14&p1=1440&ah=1__;KysrJSsr!!N11eV2iwtfs!v-kqtu5Rtw8cHvQ69XHDd1BezuPIcY0rdgBcj26tUZEi_a0g5gZd8NgNz89LAHe8epgptIZy_uhsOBcw2g$>

The initial agenda is as follows, it can be expanded further.

1. Start document for guiding, how to write good accessibility summary.
Please comment on issue #86 before the call.<;!!N11eV2iwtfs!v-kqtu5Rtw8cHvQ69XHDd1BezuPIcY0rdgBcj26tUZEi_a0g5gZd8NgNz89LAHe8epgptIZy_ujGOD9GiQ$>

2. Work on extending crosswalk of accessibility metadata and ONIX to MARC.
The crosswalk is at:<;!!N11eV2iwtfs!v-kqtu5Rtw8cHvQ69XHDd1BezuPIcY0rdgBcj26tUZEi_a0g5gZd8NgNz89LAHe8epgptIZy_uhcGHjwdA$>

Gautier had action item for creating first draft of extending the crosswalk to MARC 21 and UNIMARC. The same is attached.

Michelle shared the following link for basic understanding of MARC<;!!N11eV2iwtfs!v-kqtu5Rtw8cHvQ69XHDd1BezuPIcY0rdgBcj26tUZEi_a0g5gZd8NgNz89LAHe8epgptIZy_ujLksQH4g$>

3. Any other business.

User experience guide is at following hyperlink. It further points to the techniques.<;!!N11eV2iwtfs!v-kqtu5Rtw8cHvQ69XHDd1BezuPIcY0rdgBcj26tUZEi_a0g5gZd8NgNz89LAHe8epgptIZy_uhIILwDxQ$>

The details of Zoom Conference Line are in the attached calendar invite.
IRC channel: #pcg-a11y
port: 6665 or 6667

With regards
Avneesh Singh
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Received on Wednesday, 23 March 2022 12:14:11 UTC