"Supporting Inclusive Digital Publishing Through Training" survey

Dear EPUB3 CG members,

« Supporting Inclusive Digital Publishing through Training » (SIDPT) is a strategic partnership co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

The three partners are:

  *   Braillenet in France,
  *   Dedicon in the Netherlands
  *   Linz JKU University in Austria

And their goal :

“The aim of the SIDPT strategic partnership is to promote the creation and distribution of accessible publications by providing practical training material for professionals working in the publishing ecosystem. “

Full description of the project is available here :

The project partners created a short questionnaire for people working in publishing to better understand their needs in terms of training themes and to prioritize the development of this content. The responses to the questionnaire are anonymous.

Here is the to the survey :

Best regards,
Luc Audrain

Received on Tuesday, 3 March 2020 15:48:10 UTC