R: [A11Y] Proposed edits to Metadata UI Guide

Dear Madeleine,
thanks for the tip. I've created two issues on GitHub, so we can discuss them and keep track:

  *   https://github.com/w3c/publ-a11y/issues/10
  *   https://github.com/w3c/publ-a11y/issues/9


Gregorio Pellegrino
Chief Accessibility Officer

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Da: Madeleine Rothberg <madeleine_rothberg@wgbh.org>
Inviato: martedì 18 febbraio 2020 18:21
A: public-epub3@w3.org <public-epub3@w3.org>
Oggetto: [A11Y] Proposed edits to Metadata UI Guide

Hello A11Y taskforce,

While searching in my email I found some notes for edits to the UI guide. I think they got lost when we moved from Google Doc to GitHub and either I didn’t get them to the editors or I planned to make the changes myself but couldn’t. If others agree that these are good edits, could someone with Git editing permissions add them in?

In the ONIX note, I used square brackets to make editorial comments on the existing text. For the displayTransformability note, which was listed as possibly part of Screen Reader Friendly, this text is substantially longer than the definition I recently drafted for “Screen Reader Friendly” and I welcome comments on whether it is a good replacement or should be somewhere else. The goal here was, in part, to explicitly tie displayTransformability to reflow as a concept.

Notes are below. I’d be happy to talk through these in our next meeting if that is more efficient.


  1.  Proposed revision to the Note: at the top of the Onix section:

ONIX does not have an exact 1:1 mapping with EPUB accessibility metadata so unfortunately not all of the accessibility metadata found in an EPUB exists in ONIX at the time of this publication. There are plans to add this metadata to future versions of ONIX but no time frame has been announced. This EPUB to ONIX crosswalk outlines the current overlap in metadata which will get updated as these two specifications evolve. [add Some Schema.org metadata properties, referenced in EPUB, are descriptions of reading systems and not individual books; this means they will not be appropriate for use in ONIX and will not have a crosswalk. This includes the property "bookmarks" which indicates the ability of a reading system to allow users to set and navigate to bookmarks.] It is important to note that there were a number of new accessibility metadata codes added to ONIX 3 to support the Accessibility 1.0 specification. [delete Which means that] ONIX 2 has a limited number of accessibility metadata codes and is [delete something] not covered in this document.

  1.  Add information on displayTransformability. Add where? Could be part of Screen Reader Friendly calculation.

EPUB accessibility metadata includes the important property displayTransformability, which is sometimes called reflow capability. Text that can be transformed into different kinds of displays can meet the needs of a wide range of readers by providing the text in synthesized speech, large print, alternate colors, braille, or any other presentation. Nearly all ebooks provide displayTransformability. Exceptions include picture books or other visually-presented text, where the text is part of an image, and fixed-format large print books, which are intended to meet the need for large print but do not have transformable text. Audio books, which have no true text, would also lack displayTransformability. Any ebook that offers displayTransformability is largely accessible to many users and would qualify as Screen Reader Friendly.


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Received on Thursday, 20 February 2020 10:34:49 UTC