Technical paper on the accessibility of the digital publishing supply chain

Dear CG,
sorry for the cross-posting: I'm writing because I think you might be interested that as Fondazione LIA we are launching E-books for all. Towards an accessibile publishing ecosystem, a whitepaper on accessibility, specifically about the accessible digital publishing ecosystem. It aims to be an agile manual, providing an overview of the different aspects involved, for all the players in the book value chain: content producers, aggregators and digital distributors, Books in Print Catalogues, online bookstores, platforms and developers of reading solutions.

It identifies the role each actor may play in the accessible ecosystem, describe the critical elements to be considered and provides the relevant references to the international standard accessibility specifications or guidelines to be followed.

You can download it for free from today at this address:

We will, of course, be happy to have a discussion on any questions or comments that may arise from the reading, maybe in the accessibility task force of this Group.


Gregorio Pellegrino
Chief Accessibility Officer

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