Re: Chemistry agenda for May 21 at 15 UTC [+ some notes about requirements]

On Mon, 2019-05-13 at 17:48 -0600, George Kerscher wrote:
> Dear Chemistry folks,
> Based on the doodle pole, we have our next call scheduled.
i’ll try to be there; i’m sorry i haven’t been on the calls much. 
However, i have been following the minutes when i can.

Do we have a formal list of requirements? Perhaps that could be our
first item to write up in a community group?

Since i haven't see such a thing go by, here are some notes.

1. Everywhere: the same markup works on the open web and in ebooks, and
ideally in HTML and XML elsewhere.
2. Responsive: supports linebreaking of large equations, e.g. on phone
3. Accessible: can be read aloud, zoomed, copied, pasted etc.
4. Semantic: supports searching for all reactions involving iodine (I)
for example, without having to look at every use of the word I in a
whole book.
5. Ubiquity: Can be used in running text, not just blocks or figures.
Yes, there are even book titles (more common in journals) that contain
chemical and mathematical notations.


Liam Quin,
Available for XML/Document/Information Architecture/XSLT/
XSL/XQuery/Web/Text Processing/A11Y training, work & consulting.
Web slave for vintage clipart

Received on Tuesday, 14 May 2019 05:51:54 UTC