Hi George
Is this only open to members of W3C to participate? Our Science Team are keen to participate in any way we can.
Mike Baker
VP Digital Production & Strategy
Core Solutions
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Trinity Central, 152-160 Pearse Street | Dublin 2
Mobile: +353 87 622 7837
From: George Kerscher <kerscher@montana.com>
Date: Tuesday 12 February 2019 at 22:27
To: W3C EPUB 3 Community Group <public-epub3@w3.org>, Transition to Accessible EPUB <transition-to-accessible-epub@daisy.org>, DIAGRAM Standards <diagram_standards@benetech.org>
Cc: 'Jessica White' <jessica.white@macmillan.com>, Sue-Ann Ma <sueannm@benetech.org>, 'Peter Murray Rust' <pm286@cam.ac.uk>, "'Supalo, Cary A'" <csupalo@ets.org>, "'Lollie, Doris'" <Doris_C_Lollie@omb.eop.gov>, 'John Gardner' <john.gardner@ViewPlus.com>, 'Judy Brewer' <jbrewer@w3.org>, 'Janina Sajka' <janina@rednote.net>, "'Liam R. E. Quin'" <liam@fromoldbooks.org>, 'John Pedersen' <jpederse@wiley.com>, 'Neil Soiffer' <neil.soiffer@gmail.com>, 'Dorine in 't Veld' <DorineintVeld@dedicon.nl>, 'Ron Ellis' <rone@benetech.org>, 'Davy Kager' <DavyKager@dedicon.nl>
Subject: Chemistry minutes, recording, and reminder for February 20 at 15 UTC
Resent-From: <public-epub3@w3.org>
Resent-Date: Tuesday 12 February 2019 at 22:26
This message originated from outside your organization
Dear Chemistry interested folks,
First I want to thank everybody who joined our kick-off meeting on February 6.
I am sending this to the EPUB 3 Community Group, which has as one of our objectives to establish best practices. I am also copying others who expressed interest in Chemistry. I also am sending this to the DAISY Transition to Accessible EPUB , and the Diagram Standards working groups.
Below you will find a link to the minutes, a link to the recording of the kick-off conference call, and a link to the Github issue. We also decided that our next call will be on Wednesday February 20 at 15 UTC, which is 7:00 a.m. Pacific, 11:00 New York, 16:00 London, and 17:00 Zurich. The Zoom video calling instructions are at the end of this message.
The minutes can be found at:
Link to the recording:
Link to the Github issue:
I also posted this message as a comment in the Github issue 66.
Zoom information for February 20:
This meeting will be hosted on the Zoom system.
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